
Monday 20 May 2013


       Church is the congregation of children of God. The congregation of those who  have given their life to Jesus. Church  is also a place of worship, but  nowadays things has changed, it is easy for anybody to claim that he/she is a child of God without having  Jesus in their life.

 The today’s  church is full of people  with and without jesus in their  life  and they all claim to be christian .Christianity means the likeness of Christ but many  claim to be Christian today because they are going to church or their parent  is a Christian.
When Jesus is going to heaven he promised holy spirit  which is one of the trinity. Holy spirit is not a force or power but a personality and he is the giver of power. In joel 2-28 God promise  holy spirit which we give power to Christians of the last days and going to teach us and abide with us. God promise the church
     Furthermore, the promise was fulfilled partially in the early church(act 2). The first dispensation of holy spirit. The early church experience the power of the  church of the church  because they allow holy spirit in  their midst. This promise is also for us,it will be fulfil fully on us and example like smith wigglesworth,  Kenneth hagin  e.t.c showcase the power holy spirit. God want us to experience  his power through holy spirit. Jesus said you are going to do greater work than the one I have did. God want us to raise the dead, heal the sick, restore sight and work miracles. These suppose to reveal  itself in the church, but nowadays the church is full of sin and this has ceased the power of lord.   The book of Isaiah says is my hand too short to save? But your sin has deprive me.

   Moreover,the church of today has now mingle with the world,the sin like fornication,adultery,stealing,covetousness e.t.c is rampage in the church and as we all know that God will never dwell in a filthy place. The church is no  more  a place of solution to problem because of the sin of the church. The church were praying but God did not answered because of sin.  The church is not holy again.

       In addition,the youth in the church didn’t  have the love of God. They listen to worldly music and like to behave like the world. Fornication is now rampage among the youth. David was a youth when he met God and he did exploit, Joseph was a youth who did exploit. Youth have defile the church and God  will not stretch his hand because of our sin. Social networking site has defile us which has also lead to pre mature relationship and pre marital sex. The power of God will cease if we continue in these act.
      In conclusion, we have to change and turn to God, ii chronicle 7-4 says if my people who are called by my name shall humble  themselves………..
                        IF WE COME TO HIM HE WILL COME TO US