
Monday 10 June 2013


2000 years ago, something happen on the earth which shake the whole world. The savior came to the earth to save all the world by calcification on the cross of Calvary.  Adam which is the first man on earth has sold human being into the hand of devil.but Jesus came to redeemed us back. If you will accept jesus today he is going to accept you and take you the highest level. If you have jesus with you everything will be okay for you. Jesus love you, accept him today and have hope of the future..........say this prayer
JESUS COME INTO MY LIFE, I ACCEPT YOU INTO MY LIFE AS MY LORD AND SAVIOR I CONFESS MY SIN AND PROMISE NOT TO GO BACK THEIR AGAIN. if you have pray this prayer welcome to GOD'S family. you can contact me for more information on +2348103428139 or,
                                                                                                                                 thank you.